Parent Resources
This is where you will find information on Union Academy's Activities, including yearly dues, chaperone information, help with MyPaymentsPlus and more.
Important Information
- Permission Slips
- Yearly Activity Dues
- Financial Assistance
- Field Trip Refund Policy
- MyPaymentsPlus
- Medication Guidelines for Overnight Trips
- Union Academy Bus Policies and Procedures
Permission Slips
FOR ALL STUDENTS K-12 - Make sure you sign the 2024/2025 UA Field Trip Permission Slip! Permission forms will be available on MPP starting July 10, 2024. The Yearly Mandatory Medical Form is included in the MPP item and must be filled out.
Visit and complete the form by August 9, 2024.
This permission slip is mandatory for your student to participate in all UA On and Off-Campus Field Trips for the 2024/2025 School Year, valid from July 1, 2024, to July 5, 2025. This includes field trips, on-campus activities, community service trips, and small group outings. To finalize the permission slip, please ensure you "CHECKOUT," "PROCEED TO CHECKOUT," and "Pay for my Order," even though there is no fee for this.
Please note: This form does not register your child for trips, activities, athletics, or events. Those registrations must be completed separately.
If you prefer that your child does not participate in any field trips this year, please indicate on the MPP form. Promptly email your child's teacher to indicate that your child does not have permission to attend field trips.
Yearly Activity Dues
Yearly Dues - due no later than August 26th.
Click Here for Yearly Dues Cost & Breakdown Information
Annual dues are expected to be paid at the beginning of the year and cover the Family Day shirt, all on-campus activities, the End of Year Party, School-wide Service Projects, and more.
This form covers all on-campus experiences. Off-campus trips must be paid for separately.
Yearly Dues cost and breakdown information can be found here.
If dues are not paid by August 26, you child will not receive their family day shirt on time.
Parents who do not pay the activity dues are not eligible to chaperone field trips.
Financial Assistance
Need Financial Assistance? The Phil Hargett Memorial Fund is here to help with school field trips based on your family’s need. Please learn more about financial assistance and apply to the Phil Hargett Memorial Fund.
Thank you. - The UA Foundation
Processing takes 4-6 weeks. Apply today.
If your child is not covered by an insurance plan or needs additional insurance to participate in field trips (athletics), please use the link below.
Field Trip Refund Policy
Participation in school trips, whether day or overnight, is a valuable enrichment opportunity provided to our students. To ensure smooth operations and planning, Union Academy maintains a strict no-refund policy for all trip-related fees and deposits. Parents are strongly encouraged to plan and confirm their registrations carefully in advance.
Refunds and Fees:
- Non-Refundable Deposits and Fees: All payments for trips, whether deposits or full fees, are non-refundable after the registration deadline.
- Pre-Deadline Refunds: If a refund request is granted before the registration deadline listed in MyPaymentsPlus (MPP), a 4% processing fee will be deducted from the refund amount.
- Post-Deadline Policy: No refunds will be issued after the registration deadline for any reason, including absences due to conflicting school activities, personal reasons, or behavioral issues. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Removal from a trip by administration due to disciplinary actions (e.g., OSS or ISS), excessive absences or tardies.
- Removal of a high school student from a trip for not completing required service hours.
This policy applies to all Union Academy trips, events, and activities. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to deliver meaningful experiences for our students.
Click HERE for help setting up your
MyPaymentsPlus Account.
MyPayments Plus makes it easy to check your account history. Once you pay for a field trip on MPP, the item falls OFF your dashboard. If a field trip is coming up and you cannot find the registration item under "Events & Activities", please check your MPP dashboard to see if you have already registered. For assistance, please click here.
Once you put a deposit down on an overnight trip or partially pay for a field trip, the trip item will fall OFF of your "Events & Activities" dashboard and your remaining balance will show up under "Fees".
If you encounter issues with MyPaymentsPlus on your phone, please log in using a computer or laptop. You can also download the MPP app for iPhone & Google and ensure it is updated.
Medication Guidelines for Overnight Trips
If a student requires medication to be administered during an overnight field trip, medication consent forms along with the medication need to be delivered to the school health room NO LATER THAN the processing due date listed for each trip.
Arrangements need to be made with your doctor well in advance to fill/refill prescriptions or provide required documentation.
Prescription and OTC medications must be supplied in their original container. The dispensing directions must be on the outside of the container.
A parent/guardian must deliver the appropriate medication to be dispensed to the school health room. Students may not carry or self-administer prescriptions or OTC medications without a self-carry consent form on file. (See Self-Carry Guidelines.)
Union Academy Bus Policies and Procedures
UA Transportation Procedures were established for the safety of all students riding on UA school-owned buses and contracted charter transportation. A UA Staff member will be present on each and all buses traveling on a UA sanctioned field or overnight trip.
The Bus Drivers and Staff Chaperones have complete authority over all students and the power to enforce all rules and regulations in this document, as well as in the the Union Academy Family/Student Handbook. Bus Drivers and Staff Chaperones have the same authority in the bus as teachers have in the classroom. Their directives are to be followed at all times to transport students safely, orderly, and reliably.
NOTE: By riding the bus, it is implied that all students and parents understand these rules and will abide by them. Stating that they did not know the rules does not excuse a student from misbehavior or infractions of the rules. Any violations of these rules by students during the last 8 (eight) weeks of school may be carried over and charged to students the next school year.
General Safety Rules
- Obey the instructions of the bus driver and staff Chaperones. At no time should a student be disrespectful or refuse to cooperate.
- Board and leave the bus at designated stops only.
- All students must ride their assigned bus. Student transportation on a bus other than the bus assigned will be granted in EMERGENCY SITUATIONS ONLY. This permission must be approved by the student’s principal or administrator. Most emergency situations would involve medical problems, accidents or the unforeseen necessity for the parent/guardian to be out of town.
- Do not ask to ride home on another bus with a friend.
- It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide transportation to school if a child misses the bus.
- The driver and UA Staff have the authority to confiscate any prohibited items or any other items deemed distracting or dangerous. This includes hand-held gaming consoles, cell phones and other devices.
- The driver will not allow any unauthorized person to board the bus.
Procedures for Waiting for the Bus
- Students should be at their designated pick-up area before scheduled pickup time. The driver and staff chaperones will not wait or honk, nor will he/she stop for late students or students running for the bus. Allow the bus driver ten (10) minutes before and/or twenty (20) minutes after the scheduled time to get to the pick-up location on campus.
- Note: We give buses a cushion in case they encounter unusual or unexpected conditions (accidents, broken traffic signals, traffic jams, trains, inclement weather, etc) that might delay our route.
- Students should be no closer than 10 feet from the buses. Be in plain sight of the approaching bus driver and other traffic. Be watchful and don't play around.
- Before the bus approaches, form a line and be prepared to load immediately.
- Stand still and clear of the bus. Move toward the bus ONLY after the bus driver opens the door and UA Staff members give signals for you to load.
- Parents/guardians should instruct their children on what to do prior to arrival and in accordance with informational emails sent by the Teachers, Administration, Activities or Athletic Office.
Loading the Bus
- Do not push or shove; always use the handrail.
- Wait until the door opens or the bus driver gives a signal before approaching the bus.
- The bus will not move until all students are seated. Students must remain seated at all times.
- Delays affect traffic and schedules. Patience and understanding are required.
- SEATING ARRANGEMENT WILL BE ASSIGNED. In all middle school and high school cases, biological males will sit with biological males and biological females will sit with biological females except in the case of siblings.
- In some cases, biological males will be on one bus and biological females will ride on a separate bus. This is done at the discretion and authority of UA Administration. All Middle School Overnight Trip buses are separated by gender if there are two or more buses traveling.
- Stay clear of the bus when the engine is started. Do not chase or hang onto the bus at any time. On campus, while loading for departure, students will not be allowed to board the bus after the doors are closed without administrative approval.
Note: Only authorized personnel and verified enrolled students are permitted to board a bus. If a parent/unauthorized person boards a bus, the Bus Driver shall issue a directive for the parent/unauthorized person to exit. The Bus Driver shall report the parent/unauthorized person to a UA SRO, administrator or staff member. It is unlawful to impede the progress of a school bus. The fine for this penalty is $500. § 14132.2. Willfully trespassing upon, damaging, or impeding the progress of a public school bus. (a) Any person who shall unlawfully and willfully demolish, destroy, deface, injure, burn or damage any public school bus or public school activity bus shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. (b) Any person who shall enter a public school bus or public school activity bus after being forbidden to do so by the authorized school bus driver in charge thereof, or the school principal to whom the public school bus or public school activity bus is assigned, shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. (c) Any occupant of a public school bus or public school activity bus who shall refuse to leave said bus upon demand of the authorized driver in charge thereof, or upon demand of the principal of the school to which said bus is assigned, shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. (c1) Any person who shall unlawfully and willfully stop, impede, delay, or detain any public school bus or public school activity bus being operated for public school purposes shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. (d) Subsections (b) and (c) of this section shall not apply to a child less than 12 years of age, or authorized professional school personnel. (1975, c. 191, s. 1; 1993, c. 539, s. 7 Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 200126, s. 1.) 3; 1994, Page 1 G.S. 14 132.2
Conduct on the Bus
- UA School-wide dress code and conduct rules shall be followed. Shoes must be worn while riding the bus at all times. UA Dress code can be found on page 21 of the Family Student Handbook.
- NO gum, sodas, sugary snacks or candy are allowed on the bus, ever. Meals, snacks and bottled water are allowed at the Administration's discretion. All food, bottles, wrappers and trash must be disposed of before exiting the bus.
- Normal conversation is permitted; avoid loud noises that may distract the driver and create an unsafe condition. Do not talk to the driver while the bus is in motion.
- ON CHARTER BUSES, SEATBELTS ARE TO BE WORN AT ALL TIMES. It should be fastened appropriately across the lap.
- Keep all body parts inside the bus at all times, even stopped.
- Scuffling, fighting, inappropriate behavior, public displays of affection, and the use of obscene, vulgar or profane language and gestures will not be tolerated. Any sexual activity, or rumored sexual activity, will be reported to Administration immediately.
- Do not spit or throw objects inside or out of the buses.
- Do not litter, mark, cut or scratch any part of the bus. The student is responsible for the condition of their seat and area.
- Do not tamper with bus property.
- The emergency door and exit controls should be used by students only during supervised drills or actual emergencies.
- Students shall never attempt to operate the passenger door or other controls except in case of emergency.
- Students shall remain seated at all times and face forward for the duration of the trip. Students must keep their feet in front of them and out of the aisle. The aisle should be clear at all times.
- Do not spray any substance (ex. hairspray, cologne, perfume, deodorant, etc.) while on the bus.
- If possible, students should carry a school bag or sack, which will allow them to organize and secure their belongings.
- If items are left on a UA bus, it is up to students and parents to check lost and found. If items are left on a charter bus, it is the parent’s responsibility to contact the bus company to inquire about lost items. UA and UA staff are not responsible for lost, missing or broken personal items.
- Follow ALL rules outlined in the Union Academy Family/Student Handbook, as well as any rules established by the driver, Activities Office, Administration, UA Staff or Chaperone.
Students shall not use electronic devices such as cellular phones, tablets, laptop computers, or video games on the bus without the Principal, Teacher, Staff Chaperone or Activity Director’s permission. Headphones or earbuds must be used provided the user is listening through personal headphones and the volume is low enough that others cannot hear the music. Taking pictures or video recording on the bus is strictly prohibited.
Exiting the Bus
- Stay seated until the bus has come to a complete stop and the door has opened.
- Use the handrails and take one step at a time leaving the bus.
- Wait for your turn to leave the bus. Pushing and crowding will only slow exiting and may cause an accident.
- Students must move away from the bus as soon as they exit.
- Do not chase or hang onto the bus at any time. Keep 10 feet away.
- If crossing the street, cross in front of the bus and wait for the driver to signal.
- If an article drops or rolls near or under the bus, get the attention of the driver immediately and have the driver assist you to retrieve the article. Do not attempt to retrieve the item without the assistance from the bus driver. Keep your eyes on the bus driver at all times.
Dropping off Kindergarten
- Parents must be at the loading/unloading area to receive Kindergarten at the beginning & end trips.
Missed Busses
- If a student misses the bus, it is the parents’ or guardians’ responsibility to provide transportation to and/or from the trip. Once the bus starts moving, it will not stop to pick up a late student. Do not run after a moving bus at the loading area.
Designated Loading/Unloading
Students will be picked up and dropped off at a designated loading area. Only one location for pickup and drop-off will be allowed. STUDENTS CANNOT RIDE ANOTHER BUS WITH FRIENDS. An alternate stop cannot be granted. On-Campus designated loading and unloading areas include but are not limited to:
- North Carpool Loop
- South Carpool Loop
- UA Ball Fields
- Senior Parking Lot
- UA’s Practice Field
Prohibited Items on the Bus
- Tobacco.
- Live animals or insects.
- Glass containers.
- Sugary drinks and food.
- Alcoholic beverages, drugs or chemicals.
- Vaping devices including e-cigarettes, pens, pipes or make-shift “cig-a-likes”.
- Weapons, explosive devices, stun guns, pepper spray, sharp objects or firecrackers.
- All items must be kept on the student's lap or within the seating compartment and may not deny another student a seat.
- Balls, balloons and skateboards.
- Matches or lighters.
- Sound producing electronic devices, gaming consoles and personal entertainment devices.
- Any other item prohibited by the Union Academy Family/Student Handbook.
Accidents or Emergencies
- Follow the driver's instructions.
- If you must leave the bus, stay in a group and move to a safe location as directed.
- The following procedures will be used for evacuation in an emergency situation:
- Students nearest the door will open the door and hold it open.
- Leave the bus in a single file as quickly and quietly as possible.
- Evacuation will start with the seat nearest the front door unless otherwise instructed.
- Follow the driver's instructions completely.
- The school bus is an extension of the classroom and discipline will be administered by UA Administration with assistance from the bus driver and Staff Chaperone. All school board policies that apply to student conduct and other student-related activities apply to the school bus. The following procedures shall be followed when discipline concern arises on a bus serving an extracurricular activity or athletic event:
- The driver may pull the bus over and stop in order to safely manage student behavior.
- If the student refuses to comply with a reasonable request, the driver will report the incident to school SRO’s and Administration upon returning to campus.
- Administration shall investigate the incident and notify parents of the action taken.
Note: At the discretion of Administration, bus riding privileges may be suspended due to the nature of the infraction.
Note: In the case of serious misconduct that endangers the safety of other students or the driver, the student(s) may be removed from the bus by any school official or law enforcement assistance.
Serious Violation: Bus drivers, staff chaperones & administrators have the authority to bypass steps 1-3 from serious violations and contact UA School Resource Officers for immediate action. Some examples of a serious violation are fighting, cursing, sexual misconduct, threatening the driver, etc.
The campus administration may impose additional consequences or take appropriate additional disciplinary action in accordance with the Union Academy Family/Student Handbook.
Immediate appropriate legal/disciplinary action may be taken against any student(s) engaging in any of the following misconducts which will result in loss of bus privileges for the remainder of the school year:- Fighting on the school bus and at any bus loading zone (pick-up/drop-off location).
- Possession of firearms, a knife, or other dangerous devices.
- Use of abusive, profane language or indecent gestures on or near a bus in which students are being transported or directing such language toward other students or the driver.
- Hindering in any manner the operation of a school bus or obstructing, unnecessarily, any roadway on which a school bus travels.
- Making threats against or engaging in physical contact with a school bus driver.
Note: The procedures and number of disciplinary steps may be altered for elementary students.
Other Policies
- Bus rider rules apply to all school-sponsored athletic events.
- Discipline will be the responsibility of the campus Principal and AP’s.
- Strict loading and unloading time schedules will be followed.
- Field trip buses will be given notice by driver or staff chaperone when the buses are (15-20) minutes upon return to designated campus for parent/guardian notification.
Medical Lead Teachers are the only persons allowed to carry medications, prescription or over-the-counter. Students MAY NOT carry their own medication. Asthma inhalers with proper identification can be transported to school with the student.
Be courteous and respectful. All UA Campus and Transportation policies and rules are enforceable within 300 feet of any UA bus loading/unloading zone. Respect school and private property in and around the bus stop. Do not damage, deface or vandalize the bus or related equipment. Students who violate this rule will be required to pay for damages and lose their bus privileges for a period of time to be determined.
- The Individualized Education Plans (IEP’s) consisting of accommodations and/or modifications for field trips will be followed.
- The Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIP’s) consisting of accommodations and/or modifications for field trips will be followed.
- All buses and field trips will meet handicap accessibility requirements.
Individual school and charter buses may be equipped with video cameras that will record the conduct of students and any verbal communication between students and driver. Campus cameras will record loading/unloading areas. This recording will be used for disciplinary purposes.
The above rules of conduct, as well as the Union Academy Family/Student Handbook, apply to UA students who are being transported by buses or other vehicles owned, operated, and controlled by the school or contracted charter bus companies. A student who damages or defaces a UA vehicle may be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action and may be required to make restitution. A student who damages or defaces a rented, leased or borrowed charter vehicle may be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action and may be required to make restitution. Any violation of these rules will be reported by the bus driver to UA Administration for corrective action. These safety rules will be enforced by appropriate action that may include the temporary or permanent withdrawal of riding privileges and/or consequences specified in the Union Academy Family/Student Handbook. The consequences for any given action will depend upon the seriousness of the violation and all other circumstances.
Chaperone Information
Field Trip Guidelines
Chaperone Guidelines for Field Trips
Field trips at Union Academy are a cherished tradition and a key part of our educational approach, aimed at fostering the development of well-rounded students. These enriching experiences help students grow into well-informed, thoughtful young adults with enhanced critical thinking skills, historical awareness, cultural appreciation, and civic responsibility. The role of chaperones is crucial in making these trips successful.
Chaperoning Expectations
Stay Informed:
- Regularly review all communications from the Activities Office, teachers, classroom portals, and the UA Newsletter. Keep in mind that details such as locations, dates, and schedules may change based on the Activities Department’s discretion.
Expressing Interest:
- Complete the Chaperone Interest Form for each field trip by the specified deadline. Late submissions will not be considered. Chaperone spots are limited, and participants are chosen through a lottery system.
- Note: Every parent wishing to chaperone must submit an Interest Form.
Selection Process:
- After the lottery, you will receive an email from the Activities Office indicating whether you have been selected.
- If chosen, chaperone fees must be paid promptly through MyPaymentsPlus.
- Parents with unpaid Yearly Activity Dues or over $100 in outstanding fees on MyPaymentsPlus are ineligible to chaperone.
Core Principles for Chaperones
As a chaperone, you represent Union Academy and your child. Please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Respect the Selection Process: If you are not selected as a chaperone, please respect the decision. Uninvited parents who show up at the event will not be allowed to participate and will not receive volunteer hours. Violating this policy may disqualify you from chaperoning for the remainder of the school year.
For Selected Chaperones
Payment of Fees:
- Chaperone fees must be paid via MyPaymentsPlus as directed in the selection email. Failure to pay on time will result in another parent being selected from the waitlist. Fees are non-refundable five days before the trip.
- If you cannot attend, do not arrange for a replacement; the Activities Office will assign someone from the waitlist. Exceptions may be made for spouses.
Volunteer Hours:
- You will receive specific volunteer hours for each trip, which you must track on the Union Academy Mobile Serve app.
Important Notes:
- Siblings and other family members, including infants, are not allowed on field trips. Only pre-approved chaperones can attend.
- Events are ticketed for registered UA students and assigned chaperones only.
Day of the Field Trip
- All chaperones must check in at the Front Office and wear a visitor's sticker. This is mandatory for student safety.
Chaperone Responsibilities:
- As a chaperone, you are responsible not only for your child but also for a group of students. You are not a guest but a supervisor.
- Wearing Union Academy-branded clothing is encouraged.
- Bring your own lunch unless otherwise directed.
- After check-in, assist in your child’s classroom with organizing lunches and loading bins onto the bus. You may be asked to help transport coolers.
- Chaperones must proceed to the destination after students and lunch bins are loaded onto the buses.
- Students are required to travel on the bus and may not ride with their parents.
- Parents are not permitted to ride the UA buses.
- Chaperones are responsible for their own travel expenses, which do not count towards volunteer hours.
Behavior and Safety:
- Do not provide snacks or souvenirs to any child other than your own.
- Ensure your group upholds Union Academy’s behavior standards.
- Do not permit activities that contradict the instructions of teachers or administrators.
- Avoid extended phone conversations while supervising students unless necessary for student safety.
After the Experience:
- If you wish to take your child home after the event, sign them out with their teacher. Before leaving, ensure all students are accounted for and loaded on the bus.
This updated document provides clear and concise guidelines for chaperones, emphasizing the importance of preparation, responsibility, and adherence to school policies. The new title, "Chaperone Guidelines for Field Trips," better reflects the content and purpose of the document.
Philosophy for Overnight Trips
Union Academy Overnight Trip Chaperone Philosophy (2024-2025)
Overnight trips for 5th–8th grades are key experiences that foster growth, citizenship, and cultural appreciation. Parent chaperones play an essential role in ensuring the success of these trips. High school trips are chaperoned by staff only.
Becoming a Chaperone
- Follow all trip communications from the Activities Office, teachers, and school newsletters.
- Complete the Chaperone Interest Form by the deadline. Selection is done by lottery, and eligibility requires that you are current on Activity Dues and that your child is registered for the trip.
- Selected chaperones will be notified by email, and chaperone fees must be paid promptly on MyPaymentsPlus (MPP). Refunds are subject to a 4% processing fee before the 5-day cutoff. After the 5-day cutoff, all chaperone fees are non-refundable.
Chaperone Guidelines
- Commitment: Chaperones represent Union Academy and must adhere to all school policies.
- Family Members: Only approved chaperones may attend. Siblings, spouses, or additional family members are not permitted.
- Travel and Expenses: Chaperones handle their own travel expenses and may not ride on reserved charter buses.
- Safety and Supervision: Chaperones must wear a visible Union Academy visitor sticker at all times to accompany the group. Maintain a safe environment, follow dress codes, and avoid alcohol, drugs, or tobacco products.
- Student Interaction: Supervise assigned students closely, maintain UA behavior standards, and escalate any discipline issues to school staff as needed.
- Medical Assistance: Chaperones may be asked to assist in emergencies, including transporting students if necessary.
Important Reminders
- Lodging and activities are limited to registered students and assigned chaperones only.
- Departure check-in and return policies must be followed carefully to ensure all students’ safety.
- Chaperone hours must be logged in Mobile Serve. Only assigned volunteer hours count toward service requirements.
Thank you for supporting our students on these enriching trips. Your role as a chaperone is essential in making each experience safe, organized, and impactful.
Background Check
Background Check
CLICK HERE to complete a background check.
- Select “FIELD TRIP” ($21.95, price subject to change at any time)
- You will need to enter your information directly into the system that way.
- For security purposes, we will not have paper copies of any of your personal identifying information.
Other Info
- You will need a background check completed for ALL OVERNIGHT TRIPS.
- You will need to do a new background check EVERY YEAR